Writer’s Room

StaffA-F | G-K | L-P | Q-U | V-Z

The Staff:

534571_10151531570698289_248491321_nPatrick Gill is the Co-Creator and Editor of In Our Words,  the Co-Founder of the queer reading series All The Writers I Know and the co-producer/zine maker for Word Is Out,  a monthly performance night put on by In Our Words and OutLoud Chicago.  He is a poet, essayist, short story writer and performer.   He is a semi-professional word-hustler and a burrito hunter.  His mother thinks everything he is doing is a fun thing to do.
530589_4396531028335_1019556518_nJess Maria is the Technology and Social Media Coordinator for In Our Words, and a fourth year undergraduate student in DePaul University’s Psychology program. Jess is a co-president of the DePaul A.V. Club and the Marketing Chair for Spectrum DePaul. She is also currently a freelance photographer, all-around visual artist, and an avid lover of mustaches.

StaffA-F | G-K | L-P | Q-U | V-Z